Welcome back to another installment of RKL Rebound. Today, we will be taking a look at some of the key events of the week, as well as explaining where we are in terms of the game’s development.
Clubs Update:
Firstly, we saw the release of our clubs article. With it, we discussed some of the delay issues we encountered, as well as diving into the timeframe of when clubs will drop.
“Finally, wen clubs?!
We are excited to announce that clubs will be released this month in April!
Although we do not want to pin a specific date, we are quite certain that you will be able to get your club NFTs this April.”
More information on the exact rollout, the raffle to OG Kongs, as well as all the other details, will be released shortly. If you’d like to read the full article in-depth, click the link below.
New hires at RKL:
We also welcomed a few new faces to the team, including our new head of global partnerships Connor. Connor will be in charge of gaining strategic partnerships for RKL, we are excited to have him on board and look forward to seeing what he brings to the project.
We have also scaled the full-time RKL development team to include:
A senior front-end engineer
A senior UI/UX designer
We still have some positions available here at RKL.
(Please check out our job listings here)

Game Developments:
We’ve recently started showcasing more WIP content after some feedback from our community. Let’s take a look at some of the developments this week with the RKL game.
Ranked Stadium:
This week, we had the first sneak peak at our new ranked stadium. Below are a few WIP images of the stadium itself, the team has begun creating the basic 3D model, as well as adding in some colors and lighting. Please note, there is still a lot more to be added here, we will keep you posted when we have more updates on this.
Take a look at some of the images in the tweet below!

3D Head Traits:
The team has also been putting together some examples of how the head traits will look in the finished game. Take a look at our video showcase below, don’t forget to comment your top pick from the clip. We are always looking for feedback on these WIP videos so if you have any, let us know your thoughts.

Game Menu:
We’ve also been working hard on the game UI, starting on the menu system and experimenting with various color schemes. Here we have our audio settings menu mock up, still a full WIP but, we just wanted to show you how everything is coming together.
Who’s going to be rage quitting on this menu?
Rumble Royale:
Finally, If you’ve been keeping an eye on our discord lately, you’ll have likely spotted our Rumble Royale events. New community manager Vapour has been doing a fantastic job with these, make sure to check out our discord for more information. We even have a Kong up for grabs!

Thank you from the Team!
From the entire RKL team, we wanted to thank you for your continued support. The community has been so supportive as of late, we really appreciate your dedication to everything RKL.
Don’t forget to follow our social accounts below!
See you on the next Rebound!
Get Involved!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RumbleKongs
Discord: https://discord.gg/rkl
Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/rumble-kong-league
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therumblekongs/