Rumble Kong League Development Update #2
Bringing you the latest, just before the new year hits! Read below for the latest on the game portion of RKL!
Follow along with the development of Rumble Kong League, stay informed, and share your opinion with us. We will be sharing monthly development updates, involving our community along the way.
A lot has happened since we’ve last shared a development update on RKL, and we are happy to share some more details on where we are, what we are working on, what happened since we announced our $4.5M Seed Funding Round, and the current status on everything game-related for RKL.
We’ve increased the development team to 12 people in the last weeks. We are working on Game Design, 2D & 3D Designs, Core game mechanics, Animations, the overall ecosystem, and a lot of other things related to creating a AAA video game. Below are some of the updates!
Kong character models
A short reminder, last time we’ve asked you for your feedback on the below designs:
This was the outcome.
Based on your votes and some workshops with the team, we are happy to present you the current Kong model we will be developing as the first playable game Kong character model.
As a small bonus, we’ve also done some thought experiments around in-game wearables and how they could look on this model.
Stadium Designs
Next up is the stadium. You might remember the two designs we’ve put to the votes below. Spoiler alert: We’ve entirely scrapped them and started from scratch.
The concepts look cool, but they didn’t bring the RKL vibe to life we are striving for. It just didn’t feel “RKL”.
Instead, we went back to the drawing board. We came up with a more futuristic metaverse sports game that doesn’t take itself too seriously. End of the day, we have animals playing basketball.
Lo and behold, the RKL arena concept.
There are a few ideas we are playing with:
fully customizable stadiums (e.g. replace the bananas with rockets or something else?)
Designs and images fully flexible (Show club logos and club branding)
Import your other NFTs and have them in the audience (Watch to earn?)
We want multiple playing fields, custom arenas for clubs. However, we will focus on one core arena for the initial phase.
Other Updates
The remaining updates are very vital but visually less impressive.
The team will continue to grow over the following months, getting ready to share gameplay and more visuals of Kongs in action.
Gameplay prototyping is ongoing, finding the balance between engaging gameplay and boosts.
Tokenemics are progressing nicely. We are designing the model to be as transparent as possible and resistant to time (as much that is possible in web3). Legally we are ready to launch a token, but we want to do it right.
Staking is still a topic, but we need to ensure it doesn’t hurt the overall economy. More on this in Q1 2022.
UI design work is ongoing. Finalizing funnel and UI approach. The goal is to be intuitive, slick, and timeless.
Match flow for the first playable design looks something like this.
Mood boards are constantly updated and evaluated. If you are into colors, check out the below colors and references. The intention of a mood board is to provide a consistent look & feel of anything happening game-side.
Going forward
Development updates are always exciting, but we are still very much web2 in that regard and top-down. We want to involve you more and introduce some changes to vote on features and topics more directly, giving you more say in the design of RKL. This will be a gradual process over the coming months, but we intend to be at the forefront of web3 gaming, and we want you to join us on this journey.
Nothing written here is set in stone. Let us know what you think. As a more direct communication channel, feel free to send us an email at ‘hello[at]’
Here’s to 2022, the year of the Kong!